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Jadodide posted:

Hi people I saw over people like chas and dan have got medles.
Can anyone tell me how to get 1?
posted on: 27/03/2014 19:47:26

Area51 posted:

Hi click on medals and rewards skip to the bottom of the medal list and all
Will be explaind
posted on: 27/03/2014 21:59:08

Dan posted:

[quote=Jadodide;2819]Hi people I saw over people like chas and dan have got medles.
Can anyone tell me how to get 1?


Sorry yeah I usually add the medals manually but haven't done it for a while.  I think you should have 2 medals (Avatar & Gallery), I'll add them now  As Area51 said, the list on the medals page describes how they are collected
posted on: 28/03/2014 08:36:59

dave posted:

try and see if can get a bomb medal im the only 1 who as 1 lol
posted on: 28/03/2014 11:06:13