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Dan posted:

Now that 4QD have discontinued the uni-8 controllers I decided to get one of their new Porter 10 controllers and fit it to a C5.

Here is the controller, it arrived today:

According to the spec. it can do 12V through to 48V  48V may be a step too far with a standard C5 motor but as kamztrad has demonstrated on his excellent post, 36V should be possible provided the motor is well ventilated.

I'll start on it at the weekend, but if anyone else has any experience of using this controller it would be good to hear the results
posted on: 21/01/2014 18:22:05


Hi there I also contacted them about the uni-8 controler as it seemed to have gone of the list of controlers ..They said that it is being replaced with the one that you have got and I noticed that it is rated higher than the old one so it should be better ..???? Let us know how you get on with it it looks like you may be doing your own testing good look =d> =d> \:d/ \:d/ \:d/
....bye Chas
posted on: 21/01/2014 18:50:51

dave posted:

Have you tried this yet ? Will the touch board cope with 36 v ? Or will it blow it to bits ?
posted on: 07/02/2014 19:54:28

Dan posted:

Not tried it yet Dave. Have been busy with other things.  The higher voltage will not be a problem for the board as you will still be powering it from only one of the 12V batteries.  As for the 36V connection to measure the voltage, that will be fine up to 50v.  Not sure if the speedo will read the speed correctly when doing more than 30mph.  Are you volunteering to test Dave?
posted on: 07/02/2014 19:59:31

dave posted:

So the board will take it then ? Gettin ebike 36 v lifpod whatever they are called but how could you take a feed from that to the board and small 12 v battery for the + in the boot
posted on: 07/02/2014 20:06:29

dave posted:

Dan make a harness and send the battery and the porter and I'll try it on the touch lol
posted on: 08/02/2014 18:36:20

dave posted:

have you tried it yet bud ?
posted on: 17/05/2014 15:07:21

Dan posted:

Not yet, never got round to trying it.
posted on: 17/05/2014 15:17:16