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Skyfall posted:

i have just bought a c5 for restoration,all the working parts etc are fine however the body shell is grubby , not cracked just a little scratched and marked. Any tips or ideas on how to bring it up to a lovely standard thanks Scott
posted on: 27/02/2016 08:54:37

Ray1 posted:

Chas is your man, her has brought man up to a wonderful standard. Mind you there is no magic answer, just plenty of elbow grease trying different products like CillitBang or similar.
Good luck, we have all had to do it.
posted on: 27/02/2016 16:23:56

Ray1 posted:

Sorry, a couple of typos corrected.

Chas is your man, he has brought many up to a wonderful standard. Mind you there is no magic answer, just plenty of elbow grease trying different products like CillitBang or similar.
Good luck, we have all had to do it.

posted on: 27/02/2016 16:25:50


Thanks for that Ray all the best Chas :-({|= \:d/
posted on: 27/02/2016 18:32:12