Please note: The forum is now closed to new submissions. All the existing forum topics and posts are still available, however new topics cannot be created. If you need Sinclair C5 advice please use the C5 Owners Facebook Group.

Anttazz posted:

Hi all!

Have been quite active on the Facebook page but haven't introduced myself on here.
I've been restoring machines for years now, mostly old bicycles and old Robot Wars robots but have always wanted to have a go at a C5. There's something iconic about them that I really like. So finally I've got my hands on a C5. Should be getting hold of it tomorrow and I'll get it registered on the directory and post some updates of its condition before I start restoring it. I'm sure I'll be looking for help and spare parts on a regular basis.

posted on: 09/09/2015 13:43:49

Dan posted:

Welcome to the website. Let us know if you need any help!
posted on: 11/09/2015 18:47:04

Anttazz posted:

Thanks Dan, I will do!
posted on: 11/09/2015 19:48:49