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BrianC5 posted:

I've searched and can't find any information on replacement or original key blanks for the C5. I noticed there are some C5s for sale with no keys. I know it is probably possible to have a key made, but has anyone determined a number/ type of key that works or been able to replicate the black Sinclair rubber logo part of the key?
posted on: 31/08/2015 01:52:35

Dan posted:

I think most of us just use a filing cabinet lock if there isnt a key. I imagine you could 3D print the black rubber part if you had a decent high definition 3d printer.
posted on: 02/09/2015 19:59:34

BrianC5 posted:

I had thought about doing that. I have access to some high tech 3d printers at the University I graduated from up the road from me. I know a lot of owners probably don't use their keys much if it all, but thought that might be an easy project to tackle if any owners ever wanted a replacement set of keys.
posted on: 02/09/2015 20:03:31

dave posted:

Print some mirrors
posted on: 05/09/2015 10:15:33

Dan posted:

[quote=dave;6023]Print some mirrors [/quote] Its designing them that the problem rather than printing them Dave
posted on: 05/09/2015 10:40:41