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BrianC5 posted:

Does anyone know an estimate on how many C5s were produced? I'm seeing different numbers depending on what source I am reading. Some say 9,000, 14,000, or 17,000. Does anyone know for sure?
posted on: 26/08/2015 21:04:19

Dan posted:

I'd go with 17,000 but I'm not sure anyone know for sure
posted on: 27/08/2015 19:48:09

BrianC5 posted:

Thanks Dan, seems that there should be more owners around. If even half of that number survived, where did 8500 C5s end up? Are they still in basements and attics? It would be interesting to know a rough number of how many are in the USA.
posted on: 27/08/2015 19:55:41

BrianC5 posted:

Here is Barrie Wills reply on how many C5s were produced (he has a great sense of humor):
"Hell! Too many! But not as many as Clive thought he could sell! 5,000 were sold in the first month after the 10 January 1985 launch but I cannot recall the total made. My best guess would be just in excess of 10,000. Well short of the 50,000 per annum single shift capacity created at Hoover's plant in South Wales and even further short of the million a year on which Clive asked me to base the business plan. I refused."
posted on: 27/08/2015 21:29:43

Dan posted:

If theres one person that should know its the MD of Sinclair Vehicles himself Though, that number doesn't quite stack up with what we've had submitted to the C5 Directory, which if correct (assuming the last 5 digits of the serial number really is the number produced that month) would suggest a figure nearer 17,000
posted on: 28/08/2015 18:59:56

BrianC5 posted:

You are probably correct. Assuming the serial numbers were accurately affixed, that would be the best way to gauge the number produced. How many do you think are still in the UK? I'm guessing a lot of people have these and have no idea there is such great owner support on this site.
posted on: 28/08/2015 19:07:41