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Dan posted:

John Greenwood has posted on the Facebook group: Have acquired a bundle of the official C5 weather cheaters. Unused in original packaging. Size is medium, but they have plenty of room. I am 5' 10" with 42 inch chest and they fit me fine. If you are over 6 feet they will prob still fit but might be a bit short on the arms. They have a pouch in the front with a canopy that pulls out to cover the front of the cockpit. Original C5 labels are there. Nice addition to your collection. £19.90 plus postage (approx £4.50) if anyone is interested? If anyone is interested, he can be contacted via the Facebook group page.
posted on: 21/08/2015 19:13:54

Dan posted:

I have Johns Email for those who don't do Facebook. Just PM me.
posted on: 22/08/2015 08:33:03