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wildfireone posted:


Greetings from the most southerly point of the UK. This week I have become the proud owner of a very sorry looking C5 (will try and take a picture). Anyway I have wanted one for a long time and thought I would undertake a restoration job.

So far I have no POD, the control box has a big hole in it from there it looks like it has overheated and went on fire, I have a hole in the floor of the shell; oh and the paint is coming off. On the up side it did come with some keys and a battery so took it for a spin before I have started dismantling it!

All I can say is I am loving every minute of it!

posted on: 02/08/2015 22:10:12

Karl posted:

Hi Fran,

welcome to the forum, and am I glad to see there's someone backing up my signature.:-" :-" :-"

Hope you have fun with your C5, and all the best.

posted on: 03/08/2015 00:04:12

wildfireone posted:

Hi Karl,

I own many a mad cap vehicle, so I think madness does help! LOL!

Well I reckon I have fixed the control box, just need to find a Pod now, hoping someone might be able to sell me one :)

posted on: 05/08/2015 16:52:04

Dan posted:

Hi and welcome to the forum. Any questions just ask. Hope you get the POD sorted
posted on: 05/08/2015 17:22:36