Hi Chas,
just come home after reorganising the garage to find a package outside my door. I was wondering what it could be as I haven't ordered anything, makes a change. I then recognised you handwriting, I was wondering what on earth had you sent as the package was small and light.

After opening the package I couldn't believe my eyes, it's the Oldham battery case.
I was mislead by the very quick delivery (makes a change), the light weight, and the size, as most of my batteries are a lot larger, and of course a lot heavier.
So many thanks, I'm deep in your dept.[blush] Plus you did a first class job on gutting it.
I've checked the size of the cells and its going to be one hell of a lot of work to get them to fit in. But that's the price you pay for having crazy ideas.
Once again, many thanks Chas.
posted on: 10/04/2015 20:32:39