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Markus_H posted:

Hi there,

I have found a pretty unusual Motor/Gearbox in the "Parts-Box" that came with my C5.
I searched the Web but have not found any similar Unit.
Is anyone here in the Forum who can identify it.

Here are some Pics:

Sticker, worn but seems to be a C5 Motor.
[img=]Motor Sticker[/img]


Inside the Gearbox
[img=]Gearbox Inside[/img]

Motor Side
[img=]Motor Side[/img]

Feel free to ask if there are any Questions.

posted on: 26/03/2015 12:30:14

Karl posted:

Hi Markus,

to me it looks like someone has beefed up a standard C5 housing with an external case.

Cheers. Karl.
posted on: 26/03/2015 13:27:47

dave posted:

Looks to me the normal casing ins in the middle of alloy sleeve think there longer bolts lol one way of using broken fingers ?
posted on: 26/03/2015 23:03:58