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Packers posted:

I have been putting together my own horn kit.

I am missing the replacement brake clamp that fits on the handlebar (right side)instead of the original which is discarded. The Horn Kit instructions state this is required to enable the switch to be mounted.

Can anyone help with this please?
posted on: 23/03/2015 00:20:15

Carl Gordon posted:

Hi, I have one of these, not sure what it would be worth so I was putting it on eBay next week
posted on: 23/03/2015 12:56:23

Packers posted:

What are you saying then - I need to look out on ebay or you possibly want to do a deal?
posted on: 23/03/2015 14:19:07

Carl Gordon posted:

Can do a deal, send me you email address and I will send a photo later to make sure it's the right thing you need
posted on: 23/03/2015 14:44:20