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Area51 posted:

Who is going to build a 3d printer free with
A magazine £1.99 first issue
Dave think Lego man
posted on: 17/01/2015 13:45:03

C5mick posted:

These magazine builds tend to be really expensive, cost up how much it will be to build the printer at the real cost of future magazines. I know you are getting the magazines.
I have bought the first magazine to have a look.
posted on: 17/01/2015 17:46:06

Area51 posted:

That's what I thought 90 x £6.99 is a lot
posted on: 17/01/2015 20:03:35

Karl posted:

The German TV is flooded with similar adds.

Build the Tirpitz, U96, Mercedes 300SL, etc. etc. First issue only €1.00, what they don't tell you is how much the following copies cost, or how many issue are to follow.

From what I was able to find out is 150 issues @ €4.99, so £571.
posted on: 17/01/2015 21:23:20