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mhorst03 posted:


is there anyone who can help me out with my C5? It's not operating....i do not have the knowledge for repair....looking for help....

i'm living in Putten, Gelderland.

Hope for some dutch help....I'm to clumsy to fix it myself....
posted on: 13/09/2014 11:17:46

dave posted:

What the matter with it ?
posted on: 13/09/2014 18:28:15

mhorst03 posted:

During driving, the engine and control pod fell out. Lights are working fine, engine works if i connect battery directly. Fuses are replaced!

don't know what to do?
posted on: 14/09/2014 07:50:28

Dan posted:

It's likely your control box and/or POD. If you're able to check, make sure the +5v regulator in the control box is working. Make sure its got 12v (Input) and +5v (Output) on the pins: If the control box is okay it will be the POD and probably the ULA which isn't easy to find replacements.
posted on: 14/09/2014 12:13:22