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Mapnalac5 posted:

This is my first ever C5 and I am so frustrated by this problem! Please has anyone got any ideas? As the C5 is new and unused, I do not want to have to cut through the wires, to wire it directly to the battery to see if the motor runs!
posted on: 06/09/2014 08:45:05


Hi there all you need to do is to take the inspection cover of the control box and disconnect the motor wires (red and black) and connect them to a battery (making sure the c5 back wheels are off the ground) and see if the motor turns
Bye Chas \:d/ \:d/ \:d/
posted on: 06/09/2014 10:28:24

Mapnalac5 posted:

Hi Chas, many thanks for the speedy reply...we tried what you suggested and when my husband just moved the motor slightly, it started up! However, when he put everything back as it should be, it will not start again! Any more ideas, please? :-)
posted on: 06/09/2014 15:10:48


Have got any of the LEDs on the pod at the front
posted on: 06/09/2014 15:15:00