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andries.moss posted:

Hi All
I have been busy again. Only this time it is a mission of safety.

I had to bend the forks to make a steel wheel fit. A bit of heat from the good old oxy accetaline and you can do it easily by hand. Just dont burn yourself.
A set of clarkes CMD 8 disc and caliper €15 from chain reaction cycles.
and some metal from a crashed hiace. Cheap upgrade. Now to fit and test.
posted on: 12/08/2014 17:33:18

Area51 posted:

Looking good so far
posted on: 12/08/2014 18:08:37

andries.moss posted:

Thanks Area 51
I have it fitted now on my C5 BUT the brake outer cable is about 6" too short. So it works well if turning right. Lol
posted on: 14/08/2014 15:05:19