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Gavessex posted:

So I got one.... Bought a C5 today.... Just saying hi ....hope this place helps me as I may need a couple of bits!!!!!
posted on: 26/07/2014 11:57:07


Hi it looks great and will be better when you get the bend out .First thing is to get a piece of wood cut to the right size and place one end on the seat just under the handle bar cover and the other end just near the pod forcing the front up a little and keep it there as long as you can .
.Next thing is to test it out making sure that the back whees are of the ground .
Let us know what happens when you get the battery connected up
Bye for now Chas
posted on: 26/07/2014 12:39:33

Gavessex posted:

BEND? .... Already Confused!!!
posted on: 26/07/2014 19:11:03


Hi there if you check other C5s you will se the difference
Bye Chas
posted on: 26/07/2014 20:33:35

Gavessex posted:

Now I see exactly .....dammit...... Will it really bend back out won't it need some heat?
posted on: 26/07/2014 21:57:30

Area51 posted:

I used the wood to straighten it and then
I used a heat gun to stress relive it at the point
Of bend
The bend is now out and I keep the wood
In place when not in use to prevent it happening
You can try it with just the wood and see how it
posted on: 27/07/2014 08:14:46

C5mick posted:

A piece of wood and a nice sunny day, leave it overnight if not repeat and you could try a little heat off an hair dryer .
Be careful if using a heat gun, this is ideal but don't get too close for too long and melt it.
posted on: 27/07/2014 09:03:13

Gavessex posted:

Thanks guys will get to it... Bought some bits already ..... And already want a second....well the other half wants one so we go on rides lol
posted on: 27/07/2014 09:43:24


Hi it starts with one then you get an other then anther and it goes on
I now have about 16
So watch out they breed like rabbits
Bye chas if you want any help just ask you could also check out my videos on YouTube under

posted on: 27/07/2014 11:30:04