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derek.maguire.100 posted:

Astounding the public again with our C5 at Banbury Rally this weekend to meet up with another owner.....[albumimg]124[/albumimg]
posted on: 25/06/2014 18:42:44

dantheref posted:

Astounding the public again with our C5 at Banbury Rally this weekend to meet up with another owner.....[albumimg]124[/albumimg]

Close to me Derek.... What day is it?
I could be free sunday
posted on: 25/06/2014 20:42:06

derek.maguire.100 posted:

hi...opens at 10 til late Saturday and Sunday....would be good to meet up We have a stall there for the weekend and displaying c5.....ddddddd [albumimg]135[/albumimg]
posted on: 25/06/2014 21:58:46