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Zelandeth posted:

Surprised to be asking this question, as expected it to be a ten second eBay or Amazon job!

Where on earth do you guys get steel front wheels from? Found zillions of places selling whole bikes, but a seeming complete dearth of the wheels alone.

Would really like to get a steel wheel on the front of mine so I can actually get an appreciable amount of force from the front brakes. Plus the rims of mine are less than stellar as they've been run around with flat tyres by kids apparently.

Have struck out at all my local bike shops so far, plenty of places I can get whole kids bikes or generic tyres...but no wheels.

Longer term I'll probably be looking at a disc conversion, but in the interim I'll be happy with a metal wheel on there.

Any ideas folks?
posted on: 18/06/2014 20:23:45

Dan posted:

I've picked up kids bikes/scooters with the correct sized wheels from car boots for a couple of quid.
posted on: 18/06/2014 21:19:10

dave posted:

ebay 251450220097 message to see if correct size
posted on: 28/06/2014 10:48:40