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ghastly180 posted:

Hi, I live in bournemouth and I am after a c5 of any spec in good working order and I will pay up to £300, if you have a c5 please reply, thanks, Alex
posted on: 25/05/2014 20:04:01

Carl Gordon posted:

Hi, there's two on gumtree for sale in Bournemouth
posted on: 26/05/2014 07:31:10

ghastly180 posted:

I have sent them a message but they won't answer and they will not answer the phone so I'm not sure if it might not be for sale anymore but it might just be a waiting game
posted on: 26/05/2014 07:49:55

Dan posted:

[quote=ghastly180;3448]I have sent them a message but they won't answer and they will not answer the phone so I'm not sure if it might not be for sale anymore but it might just be a waiting game[/quote]

I may have one for sale in the next few weeks if you're interested. Collection from Poole
posted on: 28/05/2014 18:07:57