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andries.moss posted:

Hi all
Today my C5 while at full speed, decided to stay at full speed.
I tried to remove the fuse (which has is my only way of cutting power.) nearly crashed and luckily the 50 amp fuse blew. Before the building In front of me.
Anyway I have taken apart the porter 5 controller and it all looks good. So I am now thinking that it is the accelerator that has burnt out.
Any ideas people?
Many Thanks Andy
posted on: 24/05/2014 18:10:34

dave posted:

Is the trottle not sticking had same problem on 36v but not at full spray some wd40
posted on: 24/05/2014 18:21:43

andries.moss posted:

That is what I am thinking. But it springs back ok. I have not looked inside it yet. It was a cheap one. Only€20
posted on: 24/05/2014 18:49:19

Dan posted:

That was lucky With the wheel off the ground is the motor still turning when you power on?

I haven't implemented the porter 5 unit, I did a 24v c5 with the super reliable uni-8 and, looking at the specs, the porter 5 is not quite up to the same spec as the uni-8, I was going to do another 24v c5 using the porter 10.

One thing we did on the uni-8 24v c5 was to also include an additional 24v relay/switch in the circuit so in case of emergency you have an easy way to switch it off
posted on: 24/05/2014 18:54:34

andries.moss posted:

I tried to power up again, but the fuse is my only cut off point( rather stupidly I hindsight). And it sparked and melted the fuse. Some of which has melted into my seat.
posted on: 24/05/2014 19:05:05

Dan posted:

I wonder if a 50 amp fuse is sufficient? I'm no expert on DC motors and I know the motor is rated at 29 amps, but from what I've seen myself  it can be higher than this when under load and if you engage the motor from still, then, for a brief moment, the current can be over 100 amps.  This is from what I've seen at 12V not 24V
posted on: 24/05/2014 19:51:30

andries.moss posted:

On closer inspection I have seen that the 2 negatives touched. And I think that the porter5 could be at fault down to me. (I need to get hold of my clever friend Dane and let him lose with his voltmeter.
With regards to the fuse. I was thinking that if the max ampage for the porter5 is 63 then I was assuming 50 should be ok. I am using two car batteries. One is 45amp and the other is 50 amp.
posted on: 25/05/2014 11:30:09