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matthew.myers.9862 posted:

anyone thought or already added gears to their C5. thinking of trying to but gears on so you can pedal quicker. just a thought???
posted on: 13/05/2014 18:42:57

Dan posted:

[quote=matthew.myers.9862;3266]anyone thought or already added gears to their C5. thinking of trying to but gears on so you can pedal quicker. just a thought???[/quote]

Yep, Chas has done this before. It's not an easy thing to do though
posted on: 13/05/2014 19:35:03

kamztrad posted:

Like Chas I've got a 24v C5 with a sturmey archer 3 speed hub and I've just finished a long wheel base 24v C5 (100 mm longer chassis) with a sturmey 7 speed hub - the real benefit of the gears is it allows you to assist the motor and increase the range on batteries by pedalling as well - when running on 24v I was never able to pedal fast enough to help the motor out, but the higher ratio's allow you to keep pace with the motor up to about 20 mph. Have put pic of the two 24v C5's below.


posted on: 13/05/2014 20:28:54