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HappyWanderer posted:

Just a thought that occurred to me which must have been debated here a few times, but how easy is it to travel by train with a C5 in tow?? I always thought as its a bike technically that it shouldn't be an issue but has anyone had any troubles travelling by train??
posted on: 24/04/2014 10:53:59

Dan posted:

I've never tried myself though I suspect the guards wouldn't allow it
posted on: 24/04/2014 17:24:52

dave posted:

I can't see why not ? It's not much wider than handlebars on a bike and just a bit longer ? Tricky 1
posted on: 24/04/2014 22:39:34

Hertog posted:

I am about the find out, how the Dutch train conductora will like it. I got an email from the NS (the local train company here) that, it's basicly a bike. So they will allow it!

Because I'm gonna pickup my C5 by train, over 10 days and it's on the other side of the country (and i don't have a drivers license) but I do have free public transportation because I am a student.
posted on: 16/05/2014 13:10:30

Dan posted:

Sounds like you'll enjoy the trip I feel a new medal coming on for those who manage to get a picture of a c5 on public transport
posted on: 16/05/2014 13:42:39

dave posted:

Lol what about a breakdown truck ?
posted on: 16/05/2014 13:44:56

HappyWanderer posted:

Okay so I contacted the two train operating companies which I need to travel with to get to my house.

Southern Trains got a bit confused and said they their cycle policy doesn't allow electric vehicles on any of their trains. I checked this out and nowhere in their policy do they mention the words electric or battery or anything specific to powered bikes.

First Capital Connect however, not only said they were allowed but sent me a detailed email about when the best time would be to travel and what trains to avoid! Really impressed with them, their customer service is very good.

So anyways in conclusion, inconclusive results but it does look possible at least in some places if there is enough space in the carriage :)
posted on: 13/07/2014 16:06:18