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semach.the.monkey posted:

Hi guys,

Remember me from about 8 months ago? Well, I bought a basket case of a C5 and rebuilt it up to 'pedal cart' level. Finally got around to writing up the blog on it;

This summers project will be to get some kind of motor in to it :D

posted on: 17/04/2014 21:55:13

Dan posted:

Welcome back Great article, looking forward to the next phase with you getting the electrics in there
posted on: 18/04/2014 08:36:05

WisdomWarlord posted:

That's a good looking build. Here's something for you to consider. When I decided to but a motor on my trike, I hit Craigslist, where I found an iZip i500 scooter that needed batteries. I paid $40 USD for a compete working scooter. I have to buy a charger for $30, and $100 for batteries. So for less that $200 I have everything needed to electrify my trike. To buy everything I got for $40 new, in kit form from Currie Enterprises, it'll cost me $400. I don't know what used marketplaces are available to you, but I see good scooters with bad batteries for sale all the time for simular prices.
posted on: 27/04/2014 14:05:02