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dave posted:

I think it would be good idea to tell what u are bidding on or going to bid to keep the costs down and make parts cheaper ? Cos I think I'm bidding with chas ? You can have the board mate just want the case
posted on: 17/05/2013 21:51:12


Hi dave I will be having a go at moulding some pod cases soon ..
posted on: 18/05/2013 09:03:34

dave posted:

That's good news
posted on: 18/05/2013 09:41:14

dave posted:

Put me down for 1 chas and pod plugs aswell plz
posted on: 19/05/2013 14:16:16

Dan posted:

On the subject of moldings, have you got any more of your reproduction hi-vis rubber bits Chas?
posted on: 19/05/2013 15:23:45