Please note: The forum is now closed to new submissions. All the existing forum topics and posts are still available, however new topics cannot be created. If you need Sinclair C5 advice please use the C5 Owners Facebook Group.

Vinnie posted:

Just bought a C5 with original battery, but without battery cover. So my first project is to sort out the electrics
posted on: 27/01/2014 14:22:20


Hi there Vinnie Welcome to the forum any help just ask ...bye Chas
posted on: 27/01/2014 14:49:15

Dan posted:

Just bought a C5 with original battery, but without battery cover. So my first project is to sort out the electrics[/quote]

Hi Vinnie,

Welcome to the website!  If you have any questions feel free to ask.
posted on: 27/01/2014 18:33:08