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C5mick posted:

Item number 151195830543
£6.61 a few left,
posted on: 28/12/2013 08:02:44

Dan posted:

Nice one Mick.  I've still got a couple of the 12" ones so I'll leave them for someone who needs them.
posted on: 28/12/2013 09:03:17

Dan posted:

On the subject of Schwalbe tyres, these sites have 12" in stock for £8.49 if you missed out on Micks link:

The much sought after 16" ones, I've just ordered 2 from here at £15 each:

I think we'll have to have a competition to find the cheapest 16" tyres, they don't have to be Schwalbe, they just need to work well on a c5, ideally have a matching 12" version and not cost the Earth
posted on: 29/12/2013 09:47:17

C5mick posted:

Someone cleaned up on all the 12" city jets at £6.61, hope they went to a good C5 home. The 16" will have to go on my wish list for future purchases.
posted on: 29/12/2013 10:51:24

C5mick posted:

Some more 12" at £6.61 on EBay item number 161186287613

Keep em peeled for cheap 16""
posted on: 30/12/2013 22:45:56