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dantheref posted:

Hi guys,

Been out on the C5 tonight and for no apparent reason it stopped moving.

I have noticed the following things:

The pedals aren't turning the wheels - but the chain is still moving round OK when i pedal.
And bizzarly the motor isnt moving the wheels but turning the pedals instead...

has anyone come across this before or have an idea of what may be the problem?

Any help would be appreciated.


posted on: 16/11/2013 21:48:32

Area51 posted:

The only thing I can think of at the moment is the star wheel nut has come of on the left hand side remove the centre
Cap and see if it has come off
posted on: 16/11/2013 22:08:40


Hi there you may find that the left handwheel has come loose and the alloy plate has come away from the wheel due to the nut being loose(as Area51 has said) or there are no washers on it to keep the wheel tight up against the large drive cog
Bye Chas
posted on: 17/11/2013 09:00:54