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C5mick posted:

Been scouring (pardon the pun) shops and EBay for either Ajax or Vim to clean my C5,
Didn't want to pay EBay prices for Vim but couldn't find it in any of the local supermarkets. By chance I called in a small local shop to ask the question, and tucked away on his shelves was the elusive Vim at £1.49 a canister. Pushed the boat out and bought 3, I was going to buy all his stock but was conscious of his looks. Three vim, must be a big job.
posted on: 11/11/2013 20:30:23


I have been using AJAX (In the ogiginal cardboard tube) for a while mixing it with cream cleaner(CIFF) on rough patches on the body It's great as long as it's washed off ...

1-IMG_0289 by CHAS SINCLAIR C5 RESTORER, on Flickr
posted on: 11/11/2013 20:47:28

C5mick posted:

Where do you still buy it in cardboard ?
posted on: 12/11/2013 20:38:37


Hi I got them from our local car boot a couple of years ago..This is the last one ......
posted on: 13/11/2013 08:02:32

C5mick posted:

Started cleaning the shell today

posted on: 17/11/2013 17:15:04

C5mick posted:

Looking a lot cleaner after a little elbow grease and a little Vim and pink stuff. It's what Sundays were made for.
This is the C5 I bought from St Helens a couple of weeks ago after it had been standing outside for many years, next job is to tidy the shell up as there are a few scratches and black marks that need attention.
Chassis comes next followed by the electrics. Wheels with new tyres and tubes already done. This one will be for sale when complete and running
posted on: 17/11/2013 17:54:06


Hi Mick looking great but have you posted all the same photo .....
bye Chas
posted on: 17/11/2013 18:56:44

C5mick posted:

When I go to the forum and look at the photos I can see 4 different ones like the 4 I posted, can you see 4 of the same ?
Will have to wait for Dan to sort it out, hopefully
posted on: 17/11/2013 19:09:36

C5mick posted:

Hi Chas
Just come back in and I can see 4 the same, not sure what's going on.
posted on: 17/11/2013 19:32:22


Ok Mick I am sure it will get sorted out ....
Bye Chas
posted on: 17/11/2013 19:51:00

Dan posted:

Hi Mick,

Yep I've removed the duplicated images, not sure how they got on there....
posted on: 17/11/2013 19:56:54

C5mick posted:

I blame the wife
posted on: 17/11/2013 23:03:43