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lotus 30 posted:

Hello peeeps chas told me about this site thought i would checkin I bought the C5 a year ago and have just found the time to get it running i live in south wales chepstow area. just waiting for a few little bits and we are away. andy b
posted on: 20/10/2013 11:38:43

dave posted:

Hello there lotus
posted on: 20/10/2013 12:01:59

Dan posted:

[quote=lotus 30;1442]Hello peeeps chas told me about this site thought i would checkin I bought the C5 a year ago and have just found the time to get it running i live in south wales chepstow area. just waiting for a few little bits and we are away. andy b[/quote]

Hi Andy and Welcome to the website!

If you need anything just ask
posted on: 20/10/2013 12:08:21

lotus 30 posted:

Thanks for the welcome any one on this site near me it would be good to hook up, well done on the shop there is a start button on flea bay which is about £15 with postage second hand. daft. some of the prices are crazy for bits such as indicators it is cheeper to replace the C5 with every thing on it and sell the old one. andy b
posted on: 20/10/2013 14:39:56