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Dan posted:

Here is version 1 of the display case:

The screen and circuitboards fit perfectly inside it. Here is the 1st one printed out and fitted:

It has the distinctive 3D printed look to it
posted on: 15/09/2013 07:10:18

dave posted:

Like it put me down for 1 plz when you doing masts and rear indicators
posted on: 15/09/2013 09:00:21

dave posted:

Dan do you still need to use the washers like on the normal pod ?
posted on: 02/10/2013 16:00:17

Dan posted:

[quote=dave;1247]Dan do you still need to use the washers like on the normal pod ?[/quote]

I didn't have any washers to test mine on, give it a go with washers and see if it will fit on, otherwise its a pretty tight fit without them
posted on: 02/10/2013 21:00:46

dave posted:

Hey mate you can't use side panels with the x-pod case can you saying that I've not got any lol
posted on: 19/10/2013 16:02:31

Area51 posted:

That's right Dave I've got them lol
posted on: 19/10/2013 17:05:08

dave posted:

And they look good mate
posted on: 19/10/2013 18:08:03

Area51 posted:

Cheers lol
posted on: 19/10/2013 19:08:30