Please note: The forum is now closed to new submissions. All the existing forum topics and posts are still available, however new topics cannot be created. If you need Sinclair C5 advice please use the C5 Owners Facebook Group.

Dan posted:

Used Original Hi Viz Mast, only poles and plastic bit with stickers on - £40 (inc P&P)

UK only postage. These are also listed on Ebay (Buy-it-now £40). Please register your interest by replying to this post.
posted on: 06/04/2013 14:42:34

Dan posted:

I've had a lot of interest in this and as it now has a bid on Ebay it's no longer available for sale via the forum.

I'll be listing some other items over the next couple of days, as before I'll post them here for website members to have first pick and then they'll go onto Ebay.


posted on: 06/04/2013 17:06:17