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ranma_simon posted:

I read many things about the use of the C5 in Italy and how I've imagined...

It can't be used on the road (as a Bicycle helped by the pedaling) because the C5 can go on without the help of the pedals.

Exist something (official) that can convert it in a Pedaling assist machine? If It would be possibile It can be really use it for all the purpose here.

Someone in Europe make it something similar? Thanks of all guys.

Best regards.

posted on: 07/09/2015 16:03:05

Dan posted:

I think this has been discussed a few times by people needing to conform to these EU laws, but no solution springs to mind. Maybe someone can point you in the right direction?
posted on: 07/09/2015 17:09:32

ranma_simon posted:

I think this has been discussed a few times by people needing to conform to these EU laws, but no solution springs to mind. Maybe someone can point you in the right direction?


I think Karl from DE can do this modify.

I've contacted.

Thanks a lot.

Best regards.
posted on: 07/09/2015 17:15:31