Please note: The forum is now closed to new submissions. All the existing forum topics and posts are still available, however new topics cannot be created. If you need Sinclair C5 advice please use the C5 Owners Facebook Group.

Dan posted:

Hi All, The directory has been updated to allow you to edit any C5's you may have uploaded to it. You can now also add a picture to it. We'll be running a competition shortly which will involve the C5's listed in the directory so feel free to update/add your C5's to the directory to increase your chances in the competition. Any issues with uploading or changing the details of a C5, let us know
posted on: 08/08/2015 09:18:11

PhasMan posted:

How do I find out about the month of manufacture of my first C5?
It's number is 100050201956


posted on: 08/08/2015 10:01:36

Dan posted:

Hi, Its Feb 1985 (1000 5 02 01956) The directory page now decodes the serial number for you
posted on: 08/08/2015 10:08:54