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derekw posted:

Hi everyone, nice weather here again and usual maintenance needed Does anyone have a couple of rear wheel bearing caps or know of any alternatives please. Thanks Derek
posted on: 26/05/2015 14:17:56

Karl posted:

Hi Derek,

as an alternative look in the 'Shop' section at the top of the page.


posted on: 26/05/2015 18:21:57

derekw posted:

sorry for confusion I actually need rear wheel bearing cups, these fit inside back wheel and take the bearings, not rear wheel caps.
posted on: 27/05/2015 12:43:44

Karl posted:

Hi Derek,

as far as know these are one of the few items that are no longer available/replaceable for the C5. Chas (our top C5 man) informed me that the only way he knew of obtaining them was to buy a complete wheel.
posted on: 27/05/2015 20:26:01

dave posted:

Are the front wheel ones same size ?
posted on: 31/05/2015 14:46:34

Karl posted:

Hi Dave,

simple and straight forward answer, NO. The front cups are somewhat smaller.
posted on: 31/05/2015 17:35:33

dave posted:

Sorry Karl lol
posted on: 31/05/2015 18:49:12

Karl posted:

Hi Dave,

there's nothing to be sorry about.
posted on: 01/06/2015 12:25:31