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les posted:

Hello all
I have just acquired a new never used C5 but It does not have a battery. Could anyone please advise where I can buy or is there a substitute off the shelf?
posted on: 16/05/2015 10:59:50

dadandjames posted:

Welcome and let the fun begin......

You want a leasure battery can get from amazon and simliar. You might need the safety kit supplied by chas available on ebay, or do the modifcation yourself as you can get the battery clips from somewhere like halfords.

Good luck and enjoy.

posted on: 16/05/2015 14:36:02

Ray1 posted:

Try various word searches on this forum as the subject has been covered before. There are details of suitable batteries.
posted on: 16/05/2015 17:31:34

Dan posted:

Hi and welcome! As Ray said the subject of batteries has been covered elsewhere. Try this post:
posted on: 16/05/2015 18:34:55

les posted:

Hi Guys
I intend to have a lot of fun wanted one of these for a long time, I will follow your suggestions for the battery thanks for the help.
posted on: 17/05/2015 10:08:14