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RS Prop Masters posted:

Hi folks. So I bought a c5 recently and thinks its great. The motor is working, tested with leisure battery, but the set up to do this is very heath robinson. All the original battery plastics and hook up are present, so I need to find a battery of the correct size ideally. Or some way to modify it so I can strap the battery in place when connected.

Any advice would be good. I do also have an original sinclair charger, but will no doubt stick to a brand new optimte style charger.

Thanks, Rob.
posted on: 10/05/2015 19:08:41

Dan posted:

Hi and welcome to the site For battery information please see this post: In short a type 038 battery with some pole adapters will allow you to continue using the original battery hat. A lot of us use a wiring kit like the one Chas sells on ebay, then you can use bigger batteries. I wouldn't trust the original battery charger after all these years, but it may still work.
posted on: 11/05/2015 06:54:47