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Dan posted:

It's great having in-laws who know how to build stuff. Just when I was running out of room in the garage I now have double-decker C5 storage:

posted on: 22/06/2013 16:54:07

Guest posted:

And room at the top for a bed !
posted on: 22/06/2013 19:20:47

dave posted:

Not for ya belly marra ?
posted on: 22/06/2013 22:02:48

dave posted:

Mines like that to but my c5 it sat on a piece of wood 8x 2 with. Front wheel on the wood and backend on the body only way I could get them in the shed would love a garage lol
posted on: 27/06/2013 07:26:00

dave posted:

Thinking of putting two of mine in the loft if they will go in the hole lol but its fully boarded
posted on: 30/09/2013 18:36:28