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Packers posted:


Sorry to be in danger of repetition, but this is my similar problem.

This is a recent C5 purchase which apparently was only run once!

When it's powered up, all pod lights on the right side light up, on the left side the one amber at each end light up. When the drive button on the handlebar is pressed the relay in the control box clicks, the second light from the left on the left side of the pod lights green but the motor has no life.

Can someone assist please - I'm afraid I don't have any testing meters etc. and would not know how to use / test items. Have not tried to connect the motor direct to the battery yet.

Thanks people!
posted on: 04/02/2015 00:11:04


Hi there the first thing is to test the motor on its own you will have to get inside the control box and disconnect the motor leads then connect them to a battery making sure that the wheels ore off the ground ...
Let us know how you get on ..
posted on: 04/02/2015 08:24:43

mr-c5 posted:

You could try spinning the drive wheel by hand a few times while pressing the button if you have it blocked up off the ground, take care doing this so as not to injure yourself because the wheel once going will spin at speed.

The motor bushes can become stuck or sticky in their housings from lack of use and that can be a cause. They can sometimes be freed by using a small screwdriver through the back of the motor casing to flick them in and out. It's fiddly even with the motor off and I ended up taking the back off mine this week by unscrewing the two bolts at the front. I then eased the back off and gave them some exercise, I then put the back on again (it's a fiddle as you need to hold the brushes in) and it worked when connected to a battery. I have other ongoing issues that I'm working on though!

Other than this you should proceed as Chas says and these guys really know their stuff so I bow to their C5 knowledge as I'm just a beginner lol

Hope this helps

posted on: 04/02/2015 13:18:46

Area51 posted:

Other than sticking brushes the motor will rearly give problems
The armatures in these motors are wound very well with 2 in parallel of 1 mm copper
They can take a lot of stick and very difficult to burn out
posted on: 04/02/2015 18:36:46

Packers posted:

Well thanks for all your information chaps.

Afraid only have dry and not cold weekends to work on C5. Have managed to get it going and have been down the road!

Initially lots of sparks and slow turnover. Then on trying to move the brushes, ended up with one not touching. Managed to persuade it back down scraping with screwdriver. Now works at what seems to be top speed.

Is there any way the brushes and their plastic holders can be removed externally from the casing?
posted on: 15/02/2015 20:11:29


Hi regarding removing the brushers You may be able to remove the metal carrage by pulling it but be carfull as you may damage them Also regarding the plastic part the where only made to be used once and you will find that they refuse to come out as they have things like wings and as they are pushed in the wings open
If the motor works then well alone
Bye Chas
posted on: 15/02/2015 20:21:21

LasheenGamer posted:

Hey guys,

I am changing my current motor (DCPM motor Class F, 12V, 29A, 250W, 3300rpm) to a new motor (DCPM motor 24 Volt, 500 Watt, 2500 RPM) and almost the same size ..

My question is: How can I know that my axle can handle the new torque .. In other words, what are the necessary calculations to determine such thing?

Another one: What are the necessary calculations to determine the max output torque from any motor ?

Thanks in advance .. !!
posted on: 05/07/2015 14:18:47


Hi there I have a 1200watt 24 volt motor 1500 rpm and it goes great no problem
It's my Batmobile you see it on the site
Bye Chas
posted on: 05/07/2015 15:33:50

LasheenGamer posted:

Hey guys,

I am willing to overvoltage the current motor (DCPM motor Class F, 12V, 29A, 250W, 3300rpm) .. to (18V) .. so as I can get more power ..

My question is: How to calculate the new power?

I think If I can calculate the new power and measure the new RPM, I can get the new torque .. That's why I am asking about the new power ..

Thanks in advance !!
posted on: 08/07/2015 17:50:35