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Dan posted:

For those who missed the BBC South news, here is the bit with us at Bournemouth on iPlayer (about 2:40 mins in). The video expires tomorrow:
posted on: 11/01/2015 19:01:02

dave posted:

Like the trains lol
posted on: 11/01/2015 19:08:31

Karl posted:

Hi Dave,

barred yet again, this time by the BBC.

"3.2.1 If you are outside the UK
You may not access, view and/or listen to certain parts of BBC Content (such as video or live television services) using BBC Online Services if you are outside the UK, although you may, in accordance with the Terms, access and view or other websites and listen to some (but not all) BBC radio content. The types of BBC Content that may be available outside the UK will usually depend on the BBC's agreements with the persons who own rights in such content".
posted on: 12/01/2015 00:06:18