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dave posted:

I would like to wish all members a merry Xmas and a happy new year from Dave and Kath and the gang in hull
posted on: 05/12/2014 20:22:38

Area51 posted:

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you Kath and the gang and all
Other members not long now although I will be
In a field on Xmas day lol

posted on: 05/12/2014 22:06:05

dave posted:

6 foot under wen chas gets ya lol
posted on: 05/12/2014 22:46:36

Karl posted:

Eh wot! I thought you had the same calender in the UK as we have here. Tomorrow is St. Nick's & Krampus Day here, it's for the kids (Krampus [for the naughty kids]is mainly in the Austro-Bavarian region), but not quite Christmas.

Well Chas and myself will have to get our avatars up and running. Chas is gonna av a problem, ain't no snow. Wot no snow, well I'll just have to remove the ski from the front wheel.:-" :-"
posted on: 05/12/2014 23:12:29

Area51 posted:

Iam running lol
posted on: 06/12/2014 16:51:50

Karl posted:

Here's one for Xmas.


Card purloined from the video.[blush] [blush]
posted on: 07/12/2014 19:05:31