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derek.maguire.100 posted:

Hi all,
Despite the occasional wet weekend (or does it only rain on fields when we are camping?) we have taken the c5 to a number of events this season. Always with ours the only c5 on show, although everybody and his brother bragged of having one in their youth.
Whilst at the Tortworth Steam Rally this weekend just gone (the one with the storms), we met a man who purported to have 6!! or more c5s stored since new....

Now I guess we`ve all heard these tales before but the difference here is that I also have a swingbike which he is very keen to acquire and over the weekend he offered me the beginnings of a deal to clear all his c5s and c5 parts and accessories in exchange for my swingbike and some cash.

If I was 20 years younger I would just do the deal but I have neither the time left nor the space to acquire all of these.

If any here are likely to be seriously interested in most of this quantity, let me know and I will share my findings when I visit him and take note of what he actually has.

posted on: 11/08/2014 19:08:42

Dan posted:

That's a great bit of information, thanks for letting us know Have sent you a PM
posted on: 11/08/2014 20:09:45

dantheref posted:

Also sent you a personal message through the forum derek, please keep in touch regarding this ;) very interested to see what you find and what might be available!

Speak soon,

posted on: 11/08/2014 21:22:58


Hi I maybe interested what he has let me if you can bye Chas
posted on: 12/08/2014 19:19:05

derek.maguire.100 posted:

Hi, thank you all for your replies and interest......It would be fair to state now that I cannot accept anybody else as the last thing I wish to do is cause any friction between owners even though i realise that this is quite a bounty for someone. I will be contacting him in a couple of weeks or so. We are both on a separate show circuit at present. I will keep the forum informed with any new info. but its not going to be an instant thing even if he his genuine....regardsddddddddd[albumimg]135[/albumimg]
posted on: 12/08/2014 21:42:04

C5mick posted:

PM already sent, but didn't see yours till after Dave. I,m not a greedy person Dave, but I may soon have space for 5 boxes on a shelf somewhere.
posted on: 12/08/2014 21:59:00