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Ray1 posted:

C5 number 1 never makes a sound but number 2 always makes the machine gun noise when starting unless helping with a good pedal.
I have read where a cable tie on the motor braces it to stop it , or help to stop it.
Questions; What is actually slipping and what are we trying to brace with a cable tie please?
posted on: 17/06/2014 16:26:04

Area51 posted:

hi there the belt is slipping and the cable tie keeps the thin plastic support under the motor it keeps the motor parallel
posted on: 17/06/2014 17:22:47

Ray1 posted:

Many thanks for your prompt answer, I can do that. I guess first thing is to make sure the belt tension is correct by rotating the motor.
posted on: 17/06/2014 17:58:16

Area51 posted:

That's correct but not guitar string tight
Otherwise you will strain the bearings and put
A load on the motor I know it is difficult to gauge
The tension but firm with minor movement should do

posted on: 17/06/2014 19:18:52


Hi take a look at the photo ''

posted on: 17/06/2014 21:36:11

Ray1 posted:

Thanks Chas, that is in a different position to another photo I have seen, but that required holes drilling. I will try your method.
posted on: 18/06/2014 14:05:43