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Richard RBG posted:

[size=8][center][/center][/size]Hi to all the people who have helped me for the last few months to try to get my C5 back on the road! E.g Dan,Chas, and Radiomarty.
Had two good runs last Friday and Saturday to Paignton / Preston seafront. It brought back so many memory's from renting a Sinclair C5 back in 1985 for the sum of £5 for one hour.
I got stopped so many times from adults and children asking me what it was,and adult saying they wished they had one.
Still got a few jobs to try and fix ( noisy motor ) I think it's bearings!

So many thanks again!

posted on: 16/06/2014 22:41:34


Hi there looking great well done

bye Chas
posted on: 17/06/2014 06:16:32