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Area51 posted:


A different way to cool the motor this fan produces
130 cfm at 3 inches I have reduced this to
1 inch as I don't need that much cooling you can
Plumb this how ever you want if you have two motors
Then you could use two pipes it just about fits
And the boot still closes just a bit tighter the fan is noisy
But just turn on and off as required if you 24 volts or above
You could use a larger pipe I have yet to test this over distance
But I can't see why it should fail lol

posted on: 18/04/2014 14:30:19

Dan posted:

Excellent, that's a very impressive way to cool the motor.  Great job
posted on: 18/04/2014 14:41:13

Area51 posted:

Thanks Dan at least the idea is there and
No doubt somebody will improve on this
And that's what modifying is all about

posted on: 18/04/2014 16:49:37

dave posted:

Nice work area
posted on: 20/04/2014 10:42:19

dave posted:

I first thought it was your hair dryer lol
posted on: 20/04/2014 10:53:57

Area51 posted:

It sounds like it lol
posted on: 20/04/2014 11:42:00


Hi looks great . What you could do is to place it in the right side footwell and get some flexable tubing and place it where you want it to go.
just an idea
Bye Chas
posted on: 20/04/2014 12:22:26

Area51 posted:

I did try there and is ok to fit there but I thought
It better out the way and keep that space for something else
posted on: 20/04/2014 14:15:35

kamztrad posted:

That is a beast of a cooling fan, you will just be so cool now when you hit the streets!! lol
posted on: 20/04/2014 15:57:16

Area51 posted:

Lol Kamztrad
posted on: 20/04/2014 18:04:49