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simon.carter.564 posted:

I just got my dead C5 alive today. I've not driven it yet as I am waiting for a high amp battery and chain tensioner. Now it works I now need to know what the dash LEDs are telling me. Chas has told me the left side is about adding pedal power to keep it in the green or Amber LEDs (never red). But what does the right side mean? I assume battery life but the led colours don't make sense (not red-amber-green in order)

Either way I would like the original owners manual for other advice but I cannot find it online. If you have it please could you email it me to [email protected] I would happily pay a fair amount to you or a charity via PayPal.

Thank you
posted on: 26/02/2014 19:58:57

Dan posted:

Hi Simon,

The user manual can be found in the resources section of the site along with all the other original C5 documentation.  The user manual itself is here:

Page 12 details the POD LED's.

In short, the left LED's represent current going to the motor and as Chas said pedaling will help keep it in the Green especially when going up hills etc.

The right LED's are as you guessed a battery gauge. If using a normal lead acid car battery this will go down slowly during use until the battery is flat. 1 Red LED means your battery is nearly dead, all LED's lit mean you're fully charged.

posted on: 26/02/2014 20:25:40

simon.carter.564 posted:

Thank you Dan. As you know I am very new to this great site. I should have looked around first.

posted on: 26/02/2014 20:34:26