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simon.carter.564 posted:

Hi Dan

Great website, really nice, helpful members. However I am experiencing two slight issues - I can get round them, but I thought you would like to know

1, on my ipad, using the default browser Safari it always comes up with an error (see attached photo). I fixed this by downloading another browser (my PC has not been used since November, - the last time I had to print something out)

2, Facebook login doesn't seem to work - it did once but now it doesn't. - I fixed this by checking my full username and password send to me when I registered

Please do not think I am complaining. I am not. I just thought I should tell you

posted on: 26/02/2014 18:51:44

Dan posted:

Thanks for the feedback about the site Simon.  Don't worry about reporting problems with the site, anything thats wrong I'll try to get fixed asap  I made a change to hopefully stop you seeing the error message you posted

Regarding your 2nd problem I will have a test with an FB account and see if I can fix that problem.

Thanks for your patience!
posted on: 26/02/2014 20:36:28

simon.carter.564 posted:

Hi Dan

Whatever it was you did, it now works with Safari perfectly

Thank you
posted on: 26/02/2014 21:03:44