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derekw posted:

Hi would love to share some pics of a C5 project, but cannot put any photos on these entries, just get file info. no pics. HELP !!!!!
posted on: 22/01/2014 09:43:24

kamztrad posted:

Hi there, if you post as normal, and then go right to the bottom of the screen and tick the attach files box, when you click on post it will give you the page to browse for the files you want, select the file you want, then you click upload to upload your selected file - when you've uploaded all your files click back and it should post your post with the attached files.

Hope this helps

posted on: 22/01/2014 09:59:10

derekw posted:

Ok thanks for that, I'll have a go a bit later.
posted on: 22/01/2014 10:14:25

Dan posted:

[quote=derekw;2417]Hi would love to share some pics of a C5 project, but cannot put any photos on these entries, just get file info. no pics. HELP !!!!![/quote]

Hi Derek,

Like Kamztrad said, when you create a new post you have these options similar to these on your screen:

All you need to do is click the "Attach files to this post" checkbox and then click Post.  You'll then see a screen that allows you to upload pictures/files to be attached to the post.

Let me know if you have any problems with this.


posted on: 22/01/2014 13:36:26