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Ray1 posted:

Is anyone able to help with a front wheel cover please?
posted on: 09/01/2014 20:58:31

dave posted:

Only got two sorry best place is ebay that end midweek last one I got was 26 quid or maybe dan could print 1 if it prints that big ?
posted on: 10/01/2014 16:32:10

Dan posted:

Only got two sorry best place is ebay that end midweek last one I got was 26 quid or maybe dan could print 1 if it prints that big ?

They're just a bit too big to do. Would have to be done in 2 parts Dave
posted on: 10/01/2014 17:25:38

dave posted:

If in two parts mate bolted them together two strips with the clips for the forks flat headed screws and cover with yellow ref tape ? If you no what I mean
posted on: 10/01/2014 18:32:30

Ray1 posted:

Thanks guys.

Anybody looking for a front wheel cover for a 'concourse' C5? There is one at £70- + £5- P&P, or best offer on Ebay. A bit rich for me.
posted on: 10/01/2014 21:32:05