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dave posted:

Wanted empty pod just the case board not needed thanks
posted on: 13/05/2013 17:15:30

Dan posted:

It'd be great to be able to make a cast out of the POD casing and create copies of it, it's probably quite complex though
posted on: 14/05/2013 17:35:36

dave posted:

Maybe a job for chas the man who can ?
posted on: 14/05/2013 17:46:24

Dan posted:

There must be a better way to mount the display on the C5 than hacking apart a POD.

I only used a POD case as I couldn't think of a better way to attach it to the C5, we need to think of some alternatives?
posted on: 15/05/2013 12:19:20

dave posted:

LThere's always the handlebars but would get in the way or behind the front light
posted on: 15/05/2013 12:25:13

dave posted:

A piece of plastic 3 mm thick 25 mm wide and 200 long on top of project box at the back edge with 2 ,10mm holes to slide into the pod plugs ?
posted on: 15/05/2013 15:04:21

Dan posted:

A piece of plastic 3 mm thick 25 mm wide and 200 long on top of project box at the back edge with 2 ,10mm holes to slide into the pod plugs ?

Yeah just something that allows it too be attached to the pod holder plug things that holds it steady as C5 rattles quite a bit when moving

Another point to consider is the LCD screen. It really needs to be angled slightly upwards at the driver as the screen can be difficult to see if its at the wrong angle
posted on: 15/05/2013 17:13:53

dave posted:

You could use 90 degree angle plastic and put plastic spacers on the bolts cut on a angle or some sort of bracket you can move and lock in place like an angle gauge ? Something on them lines what size is the project box and I'll have a play
posted on: 15/05/2013 17:34:15

Dan posted:

You could use 90 degree angle plastic and put plastic spacers on the bolts cut on a angle or some sort of bracket you can move and lock in place like an angle gauge ? Something on them lines what size is the project box and I'll have a play

Sounds great, measuring/drilling and that sort of thing isn't my specialty. I prefer circuit boards and soldering

The box I've been using is 130mm wide, 69mm high and 45mm deep. Thats the smallest you can use, even then I had to shave off a couple of mm from the LCD PCB to get it to fit in.

Be interesting to see what you come up with.
posted on: 15/05/2013 18:38:46

dave posted:

RWot I'm trying to say wouid it be better to move it like say a windscreen mirror in a car because of people heights ? Or a fixed angle ? And wot angle ?
posted on: 15/05/2013 19:05:10

Dan posted:

That's the angle I have mine at, flat against the C5 shell. Something that would let you angle it would be good
posted on: 16/05/2013 12:37:06

dave posted:

As you never see them on ebay there's3 on as for project box a bit bigger so you don't need to shave anything off the pcb ebay item 170698547217
posted on: 17/05/2013 08:47:35