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Janhein posted:

I have just registered here on the forum.

As being the proud owner of a C5 I hope to find here sme help to keep her on the road.

As far as I know my C5 is in more or less original condition, but she suffered a bit from time. some rust here and there , flat tyres and some missing parts.

but I hope to get her back on the road soon.

Jan Hein Ramakers

Leiden the Netherlands

posted on: 13/11/2013 17:05:16

Pep posted:

Hi Janein
Welcome to the site, everyone is very helpful on here and they will help you get back on the road

posted on: 13/11/2013 17:32:46

Dan posted:

Welcome to the website Jan

Sounds like a bit of a project you've got on your hands.  If you need any bits let us know and someone will be able to help/point you in the right direction.  You'll have to post some pics of your C5


posted on: 13/11/2013 18:24:44